The Choirs of St. Luke's
St. Luke’s has a rich tradition of excellence in the teaching and performance of church music. We have a mixed voice choir of boys, girls, men, and women. The St. Luke’s model of choral singing, in which children sing the soprano (or treble) part, follows the 500-year-old tradition of cathedral choirs in Britain. The choir helps to lead our worship at the 10:00 am Eucharist, as well as Evensong, special services such as Lessons & Carols, and for weddings on request. The St. Luke’s choirs always welcome new members. If you or your child would be interested in learning more about membership in the choirs, please contact the Director of Music.

The Trebles
St. Luke’s youth choir, known as the Trebles, offers an unparalleled opportunity to provide young singers with a free, world-class musical education. As participants, choristers experience the English cathedral model of choral singing as they join the adults in mature, challenging, and rewarding music-making. Our choristers receive musical training in vocal production, sight-reading, music theory, and aural skills in the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) training schema.
The Trebles are a supportive community of peers all committed to the same goal. They sing great works of art and receive opportunities for tours, retreats, and concerts. The skills that these choristers develop last a lifetime and foster growth in other areas of life at a young age: leadership, commitment, focus, attention to detail, patience, teamwork, camaraderie, and a love for service.
Membership in the treble section of the St. Luke’s Choir is open to children Grade 3 and up. Young people whose voices remain soprano remain trebles through high school. Young people whose voices change register may move into the alto, tenor, or bass section once their voices change.
The Trebles rehearse on Mondays at 6:00 – 7:30 pm, Thursdays at 6:30 – 8:00 pm, and each Sunday at 8:45 am.
The Altos, Tenors, and Basses (ATBs)
St. Luke’s adult choir, known as the ATBs, consists of singers from all walks of life—students, lawyers, teachers, retirees, and businesspeople, to name a few—who share a fierce dedication to the craft of choral singing in a liturgical context and to each another. They are ordinary people who make extraordinary music. Membership in the Choir is open to anyone who enjoys singing, although some ability to read music is desirable.
The ATBs rehearse on Thursdays at 7:00 – 8:30 pm, and each Sunday at 8:45 am.
The St. Cecilia Singers​
The St. Cecilia Singers is a family choir, inviting people of all ages and abilities to participate. This joyful choir will sing at St. Luke’s liturgies periodically throughout the year. We welcome anyone who wants to sing! This includes parents, older siblings, grandparents, and other members of the St. Luke’s community.
The St. Cecilia Singers rehearse on Thursdays from 6:00 – 6:30 pm during the school year.​
Musical Adventures: An Introduction to Music for Children
Join Director of Music Andrew Lewis on Thursday evenings for a weekly journey through the world of music! Our Musical Adventures class is an engaging and interactive introduction to music basics designed specifically for children aged 5-8. This inclusive class welcomes children of all experience levels and does not require any prior knowledge or training. Embark on an exciting musical adventure that fosters creativity, collaboration, and a love for the art of music!
Thursdays from 5:00 - 5:20 p.m. during the school year.
The Evensong Singers
The Evensong Singers are a complementary choir of adults and teenagers who are unable to commit to the full St. Luke's choir schedule but would still like to sing with the choir on occasion. It can be considered a formalization of a practice that has been in place for years -- adults or teens joining in for Evensong services, Lessons and Carols, and other special occasions.

Andrew Lewis, Director of Music
Profiled by John von Rhein in the Chicago Tribune as “the inspiring conductor, scholar, and educator,” Andrew Lewis is Director of Music & Choirmaster at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Evanston, Artistic Director of Bella Voce and the Bella Voce Sinfonia, Music Director of the Elgin Master Chorale, Artistic Director of Opus 327 NFP, a member of the conducting faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and is Assistant Conductor of the Chicago Symphony Chorus. He has been a guest lecturer at Concordia University Chicago, Loyola University Chicago, the Lectures in Church Music series, Garrett Theological Seminary, and formerly taught the conducting course at DePaul University. He has been a guest conductor with the Milwaukee Symphony Chorus and has appeared on several occasions as a guest conductor with the Elgin Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Lewis’s performances with Bella Voce, the Elgin Master Chorale, and the Elgin Symphony have been broadcast nationally on WFMT 98.7. He has music degrees from Northwestern University and the Eastman School of Music. Mr. Lewis has three sons who are growing up in the music program at St. Luke’s and, like the other parents, is daily in awe of and grateful for the tremendously positive impact this rigorous program and nurturing community has had on his children.
Meg Cutting, Organist
Meg Cutting joined the St. Luke's music team in August 2024. Meg was an Organ Scholar at St. James Cathedral in Chicago from 2020-2022, during which time she worked with their intergenerational Cathedral Choir as well as the chorister program, which is grounded in the Royal School of Church Music. She is a concert organist, organ and piano teacher, and church musician. Meg is a bi-vocational, working by day on the administrative side of a local private equity firm, while weeknights and weekends are dedicated to her work as a musician. The committee was deeply impressed with Meg’s excellence as an organist, an accompanist, and a professional.
Meg holds a Master of Music in Organ Performance from the Yale School of Music and Yale Institute of Sacred Music. During her time there, she studied organ with Martin Jean, organ improvisation with Jeffrey Brillhart, and choral conducting with Jeffrey Douma. She also holds a Bachelor of Music in Organ Performance from the Eastman School of Music, where she studied in the studio of Nathan Laube. Meg has developed a passionate interest in the music of twentieth-century French organ composers, such as Messiaen and Alain. She resides in Chicago with her partner, Max.