We make our way from the solemnity of Lent to the drama of Holy Week and the glory of Easter Sunday.
Whether you join us in person or online, you're invited to join us on this journey as we travel through this holiest season.
Our regular Sunday worship services are Eucharistic, where communion is offered. All are invited to receive the consecrated bread and wine, including small children. (Gluten-free communion wafers are always available.) If for any reason you would prefer not to receive communion, you are welcome to approach the altar rail and place your arms across your chest to indicate you would like to receive a blessing.
Children in Worship
Children are welcome to participate fully in all worship services. Beginning in older elementary school, children may serve in our liturgies as singers, readers, acolytes, and communion assistants. Younger elementary students often sit with their families to take things in, sometimes drawing or coloring; sometimes working out wiggles in the side aisles.
Nursery Care
The nursery is open on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Trained caregivers welcome children from infancy up to four years old. The nursery is a nut-free area.
At St. Luke’s, the dress is as diverse as the congregation.
Whether you are wearing blue jeans or a business suit, St. Luke’s welcomes you.
Gluten-free communion wafers
Assistive listening devices
Wheelchair accessible restrooms