Vision Statement
We aspire to be an inclusive Christian community, where our members can explore and celebrate their faith through worship, fellowship, and an active demonstration of God's love in the world. We seek to live with intention, guided by core values, engaging with compassion and authenticity, and inspiring each other through the sharing of ideas, questions, and our individual gifts. Our programs and activities reflect the needs and interests of parishioners of all ages and stages in life. They include a wide variety of opportunities for spiritual formation and Christian education, service to others, and caring for the natural world.
Core Values
Worship: Meaningful, joyful worship in the Episcopal tradition is at the heart of our community and we intentionally seek to live out our faith each and every day. Worship, liturgy, music, and the arts are what bring us together and fuel our community.
Community: We are an inclusive, caring community, where people of diverse backgrounds are embraced and valued and where participation and collaboration are encouraged. We share in one another’s joys and concerns and live out our deep, authentic joy in God, in one another, and in the earth that God has entrusted to us.
Learning: St. Luke’s is a learning community for every age and stage of life. From our sermons to liturgy to religious education to reflection on our justice and service work, we are always learning and deepening our walk with Christ.
Service: We encourage our parishioners to share their gifts through leadership and service to others, within our parish, in our local community, and in the wider world.
Racial, Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice: We are committed to educating ourselves about the racism, injustice, and oppression that exists in our community and society, and we are actively participating in the creation of a just and equitable world. We are also committed to caring for the earth that God has entrusted to us.
Multigenerational: Church is one of the few places where people of different ages can interact, and we celebrate that. Our main liturgy is intentionally intergenerational, and we provide learning, service, and social opportunities for all ages and stages of life.​
Our Commitments
St. Luke’s is a community of learning. We are learning to live with the legacy and reality of racism in our country and our church. Read our 2024 Commitments on Racism and White Supremacy here.​
In January 2023, St. Luke’s adopted its latest Strategic Plan based on many months of parish input. The vestry reviews progress against goals throughout the year, and we look at progress annually as a parish in our annual report and annual meeting.