The Flower Ministry
As a visual prayer, a gift of flowers is a beautiful way to commemorate a birthday, wedding, anniversary, memorial, or any occasion. Each week, there is an opportunity to honor or give thanks for a loved one with flowers. We also offer seasonal opportunities for flowers on Christmas and Easter.
You may take the flowers home with you after the 10:00 a.m. service, or they will be delivered to parishioners who need extra love.
We invite you to make a donation to decorate the Nave. You may submit your dedication using the form below. Your dedication will appear in the St. Luke's Sunday bulletin.
To submit a flower dedication, please fill out the form below.
Then process your payment in one of the following ways:
On Realm (choose "Flower Ministry" in the dropdown menu)
Via Zelle to bookkeeper@stlukesevanston.org
By placing a check in the offering plate, with "Flowers" in the memo line
$50 - One large arrangement at the parapet
$100 - Two large arrangements at the parapet
$175 - Two arrangements on the High Altar
Any additional funds will go toward supplies
If you have additional questions, please contact Laurie Flanagan at laurie.flanagan2@gmail.com